Nutrition & Lifestyle
Nutritional Therapy involves Multi Level Healing
I practise an Integral Nutritional Approach as a synthesis of all the different approaches I have learnt. It includes the wisdom from such established whole health systems as the Macrobiotic and Ayurvedic, the latest biochemical information available and the ancient naturopathic approach. This produces the most effective system for achieving and maximising health. I am neither for nor against vegan, vegetarian or paleolithic diets but recommend what is right for the individual in the context of her/his personal situation.
The central philosophy, as in all truly natural healing systems, is that the body will always heal itself if the conditions are enabling. I advise whatever dietary changes are appropriate to each individual to bring about this rebalancing.
Like the ancient systems of health care, Nutritional Therapy believes that the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and subtle energy levels of a person are all connected and that disease on any one of these will affect all the others. Consequently, treatment on one level will help all the others but treatment or work on many levels will enhance and magnify the overall results dramatically.
Everybody is different and therefore has different needs to achieve optimum health. Nutritional advice therefore will differ from person to person even if they have similar symptoms.
Some useful ideas & resources
Organic Food
Organic food contains far more vitamins and minerals than non-organic produce. For instance, organic spinach contains 96mg of magnesium, but an equal quantity of non-organic spinach contains only 47.5mg. Magnesium is instrumental in digesting protein and converting it into energy. Our protein portions, especially in the West, tend to be excessive so as a result, the body uses up its magnesium reserves digesting the extra. Eating less meat and dairy and more nuts, beans, fish, fruit, whole grains, herbs, spices and vegetables will help fend off the degenerative diseases that a lack of magnesium can cause. As a general guide, the protein portion of each meal should never be larger than the clenched fist of the person eating it. The same applies to children.
Probiotics are important for everyone
Our digestive systems are home to hundreds of different bacterial species that keep our intestinal linings healthy, break down food, and regulate our immune response. From birth, our gut is populated with about 1000 known species of microorganisms — and we’re discovering more all the time. This microbial ecosystem is so complex that it is considered to be a virtual organ system essential to the maintenance of our health! The good bacteria, aka probiotics, interact with the cells of our intestinal lining and affect our immune cells. When the good bugs outnumber the “bad” bugs, or toxins, the result is a smoothly functioning digestive system and less overall inflammation.
In addition to taking a probiotic supplement which I may recommend you can also eat probiotic foods that are a host to these live bacteria.
I would recommend buying the organic version of all these probiotic-rich foods.
Examples :
The Microbiome, our 3rd brain:
In 2010 a discovery was made by a team of researchers in Japan. They called this newly discovered organ the microbiome.
The microbiome is much more than the gut microflora. It is a complex organ that is responsible for the development and function of all the other organs and systems, from the brain inside our heads to the immune system. The influence of the microbiome, that is located all over our body and not only inside the gut, on our behaviour and intellectual functions is so significant that it can be aptly named “the third brain”
More information about the microbiome here.
The benefits of fermented foods
Anyone can make them which makes them easily affordable.
Something pretty amazing happens when you let foods ferment. They turn themselves into superfoods.
Fermented foods contain many more healthy compounds such as enzymes and B vitamins that aren't in the initial medium (what you started with!)
The health benefits are many and include boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation, better digestion, better skin, decrease or elimination of acne, elimination of gas and bloating, improving mood, improving allergy symptoms and more. As you can see, this is why I consider them possibly one of the best superfood categories on the planet.
Lacto-fermented vegetables recipes and other recipes
The benefits of raw apple cider vinegar
Choose only raw, unfiltered, organic ACV - it will specifically state something about having "the mother" in it. (It's the cloudy residue from the apple fermentation process.) Use it in salad dressings and/or diluted in hot or cold water with a little honey added for taste. (2 teaspoonful per cup).
Dont drink it neat as it probably will strip the enamel off your teeth, plus potentially damage your oesophagus.
Apple cider vinegar undergoes two fermentation processes where it produces enzymes and life giving nutrients that make apple cider vinegar the powerhouse it is. Here are some of the beneficial ingredients in raw apple cider vinegar:
Blood fats/lipids
Cholesterol is essential to life. It participates directly in the construction of the cell membrane and also acts as a precursor of adrenal cortex and sexual hormones.
Our body system produces cholesterol in response to demands by our complex body-mind processes which involve the adrenal glands, reproductive and thyroid hormones. In the presence of high metabolic, emotional or physical stress it adapts by making more cholesterol.
It is estimated that our livers produce approximately 1 gram of cholesterol a day. Under normal circumstances, about 80% of the cholesterol in our bodies is made in the liver and the remaining 20% is taken from the food we eat.
Cholesterol from food is called dietary cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol is found in many animal products such as meats, seafoods, cheese, eggs and is also found in many organ meats such as kidneys, liver and brains.
There are basically two types of cholesterol which are known as HDL and LDL
1. "Good Cholesterol" This is also known as HDL Cholesterol or High Density Lipoprotein
HDL helps to reduce the levels of cholesterol in the blood and transport it back to the liver for processing, breakdown or storage. It is thought that H.D.L. actually protects against atherosclerosis, by rounding up all the bad cholesterol and literally taking it back to the liver.
By eating foods that are high in the good cholesterol or High Density Lipoproteins, it is possible to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol in the blood. Here are some food sources of good cholesterol in the body. These along with others are often regarded as cholesterol lowering foods:
When we consume a large amount of cholesterol-rich foods in our diet, we can end up with more than the body needs. When this happens the excess cholesterol can start to build up in our arteries and can cause the walls of the arteries to narrow and harden.
Bad Cholesterol rich foods can be harmful if eaten to excess. Some ways to help prevent cholesterol build up is to eat heart-healthy foods such as whole grains and drink plenty of fresh water. Try to avoid eating highly processed foods, fatty foods, long-shelf life cakes, pastries, biscuits and high fat foods such as cream and cheese. Here are some other foods to not overeat if you tend to have raised cholesterol levels.
In hyperlipidemic states, high levels of bad cholesterol can be managed in two general ways:
The first is to increase the content of fibre in the diet, which will speed up transit time of stool and thus reduce hepato-enteral recirculation of cholesterol.
The second is the stimulation of the production and secretion of bile, which will increase the binding of cholesterol. Foods that taste sour and bitter are a good way to do this.
Examples of bitters: Dandelion leaves, wild chicory, green leafy vegetables in general, and in particular: kohlrabi, kale and cucumber.
Examples of sours: pickled vegetables, lemons, lime, tamarind, unsweetened vinegar condiments, apple cider vinegar, sour grape juice.
Transfats are to be avoided
Hydrogenation is a process that is used to increase the shelf-life of liquid vegetable oils and fats by treating them with hydrogen.
If a liquid fat such as sunflower oil is put through the chemical process called hydrogenation, the oil goes from liquid to solid or semi-solid.
Once hydrogenated, the liquid sunflower oil becomes what is considered to be one of the worst types of fat, a "Trans-fat".
Trans in this sense comes from the Latin word meaning "across" and is to do with the chemical process of solidifying the oil.
Turning liquid fats into solid fats does increase the longevity of the food as is the case with margarines, but it also substantially alters the levels of "bad" cholesterol. Hydrogenation is used in the food industry to create longer-lasting margarine and fats that in turn create longer lasting cakes, biscuits, pies and pastries.
Trans-fats can interfere with the body's ability to regulate cholesterol. In many countries it is now part of food law that Food Manufacturing companies have to label the Trans fat content of food. Another name for Trans-fats is "partially hydrogenated oils". Be sure to look on the labels of the food you buy and avoid transfats.
Refined sugar is bad for you
Sugar is first pressed as a juice from the cane (or beet) and refined into molasses. Then it is refined into brown sugar, and finally into white crystals (with the chemical formula ). At this point it is an alien chemical to the human system.
Sugar is addictive. The average American now consumes approximately 115 lbs. of sugar per year. This is every man, woman and child on average. This is quite staggering. A few hundred years ago this product didn't exist and the human body did not come across sucrose in large quantities.
Because sugar supplies so many empty, non-nutritious calories, the body is never really satisfied. So the body never gets the basic all-round nutrition that it needs. So more sugar is craved and consumed!
Even more unfortunate is the fact that a great deal of sugar that people consume is hidden within the foods they eat. Manufacturers add sugar to the most surprising of foods. This makes it taste "nicer" but it often camouflages the fact that the food is often "empty".
Sugar leads to slow but insidious damage. It can take years before it ruins your pancreas, your adrenal glands, or throws your whole endocrine system out of kilter. All of these contribute to a long list of damage.
Blood sugar levels get thrown into turmoil and energy levels can become rather chaotic. This in turn can bring about mood swings and can lead to developing diabetes type 2.
For diabetics
I found that drastically reducing carbohydrates in the diet is helpful. Cutting out carbohydrates needs to be balanced by consuming large amounts of vegetables . Vegetable smoothies made with organic fresh produce are an excellent way of consuming large amounts of vegetables to bring the body back into balance. Diabetics may need to be careful with consuming large amounts of animal fats to prevent keto-acidosis.
For more information on diabetes check out my page on diabetes.
Eating good protein
Protein plays an important part in the change of life as hormones are actually made of proteins.
In the body, protein break down into amino acids that promote cell growth and repair. (They also take longer to digest than carbohydrates, helping you feel fuller for longer and on fewer calories—a plus for anyone trying to lose weight.)
Nearly all the physical processes in our bodies use proteins; from digestion, to blood clotting, from fighting bacteria to muscle use, from healthy nerve transmission to maintaining a healthy immune & circulation system.
Proteins support the growth, repair and healthy functioning of all living cells. The word protein comes from the Greek word “protos”, meaning first element.
Proteins are the building blocks for all living cells and have vital roles within the body. Examples of good protein foods: Lean meat, nuts & seeds, tofu, beans, lentils, spirulina, fish, gelatine, peas, quinoa, legumes, humus ....
Proteins help :
Some of the body’s vital hormones such as estrogen and progesterone are made of protein. After water, proteins are the second most abundant substance in the human body, making up 80% of the body’s dry mass. Protein substances make up: muscles, tendons, glands, organs, nails, hair and are found in nearly all the cells in our body.
Replacing lost trace elements and minerals - Taking Quinton
Intensive farming practices have depleted our soils, leaving them deficient of minerals and trace elements. Modern commercial fertilisers replace nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium primarily which makes crops grow well but unfortunately farmed produce lacks many of the trace minerals that have been leached from the soil and used up by crops many years ago. The result is our food is not as nutritious as it should be and however much of it we eat there are some trace elements that we will never consume and replace in our body. Processing and irradiation of food does not help the nutritious quality of our food either.
By taking Quinton you can replenish these nutrients and minerals and help to restore the balance which maintains a healthy body.
I practise an Integral Nutritional Approach as a synthesis of all the different approaches I have learnt. It includes the wisdom from such established whole health systems as the Macrobiotic and Ayurvedic, the latest biochemical information available and the ancient naturopathic approach. This produces the most effective system for achieving and maximising health. I am neither for nor against vegan, vegetarian or paleolithic diets but recommend what is right for the individual in the context of her/his personal situation.
The central philosophy, as in all truly natural healing systems, is that the body will always heal itself if the conditions are enabling. I advise whatever dietary changes are appropriate to each individual to bring about this rebalancing.
Like the ancient systems of health care, Nutritional Therapy believes that the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and subtle energy levels of a person are all connected and that disease on any one of these will affect all the others. Consequently, treatment on one level will help all the others but treatment or work on many levels will enhance and magnify the overall results dramatically.
Everybody is different and therefore has different needs to achieve optimum health. Nutritional advice therefore will differ from person to person even if they have similar symptoms.
Some useful ideas & resources
Organic Food
Organic food contains far more vitamins and minerals than non-organic produce. For instance, organic spinach contains 96mg of magnesium, but an equal quantity of non-organic spinach contains only 47.5mg. Magnesium is instrumental in digesting protein and converting it into energy. Our protein portions, especially in the West, tend to be excessive so as a result, the body uses up its magnesium reserves digesting the extra. Eating less meat and dairy and more nuts, beans, fish, fruit, whole grains, herbs, spices and vegetables will help fend off the degenerative diseases that a lack of magnesium can cause. As a general guide, the protein portion of each meal should never be larger than the clenched fist of the person eating it. The same applies to children.
Probiotics are important for everyone
Our digestive systems are home to hundreds of different bacterial species that keep our intestinal linings healthy, break down food, and regulate our immune response. From birth, our gut is populated with about 1000 known species of microorganisms — and we’re discovering more all the time. This microbial ecosystem is so complex that it is considered to be a virtual organ system essential to the maintenance of our health! The good bacteria, aka probiotics, interact with the cells of our intestinal lining and affect our immune cells. When the good bugs outnumber the “bad” bugs, or toxins, the result is a smoothly functioning digestive system and less overall inflammation.
In addition to taking a probiotic supplement which I may recommend you can also eat probiotic foods that are a host to these live bacteria.
I would recommend buying the organic version of all these probiotic-rich foods.
Examples :
- Live-cultured yoghurt that has been infused with extra acidophilus and lactobacillus;
- Kefir;
- Sauerkraut;
- Dark chocolate;
- Microalgae like spirulina and chlorella;
- Miso soup (made with unpasteurised miso)
- Pickles;
- Tempeh;
- Kombucha tea ( benefits and recipe how to prepare it here)
The Microbiome, our 3rd brain:
In 2010 a discovery was made by a team of researchers in Japan. They called this newly discovered organ the microbiome.
The microbiome is much more than the gut microflora. It is a complex organ that is responsible for the development and function of all the other organs and systems, from the brain inside our heads to the immune system. The influence of the microbiome, that is located all over our body and not only inside the gut, on our behaviour and intellectual functions is so significant that it can be aptly named “the third brain”
More information about the microbiome here.
The benefits of fermented foods
Anyone can make them which makes them easily affordable.
Something pretty amazing happens when you let foods ferment. They turn themselves into superfoods.
Fermented foods contain many more healthy compounds such as enzymes and B vitamins that aren't in the initial medium (what you started with!)
The health benefits are many and include boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation, better digestion, better skin, decrease or elimination of acne, elimination of gas and bloating, improving mood, improving allergy symptoms and more. As you can see, this is why I consider them possibly one of the best superfood categories on the planet.
Lacto-fermented vegetables recipes and other recipes
The benefits of raw apple cider vinegar
Choose only raw, unfiltered, organic ACV - it will specifically state something about having "the mother" in it. (It's the cloudy residue from the apple fermentation process.) Use it in salad dressings and/or diluted in hot or cold water with a little honey added for taste. (2 teaspoonful per cup).
Dont drink it neat as it probably will strip the enamel off your teeth, plus potentially damage your oesophagus.
Apple cider vinegar undergoes two fermentation processes where it produces enzymes and life giving nutrients that make apple cider vinegar the powerhouse it is. Here are some of the beneficial ingredients in raw apple cider vinegar:
- Potassium – helps to fight against brittle teeth, hair loss and runny noses.
- Pectin – helps to regulate blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol.
- Malic Acid – gives ACV the properties of being resistant to viruses, bacteria, and fungus.
- Calcium – supports strong bones and teeth.
- Ash – gives ACV its alkaline property which aids your body in maintaining proper pH levels for a healthy alkaline state.
- Acetic Acid – It appears that this acid slows the digestion of starch which can help to lower the rise in glucose that commonly occurs after meals.
Blood fats/lipids
Cholesterol is essential to life. It participates directly in the construction of the cell membrane and also acts as a precursor of adrenal cortex and sexual hormones.
Our body system produces cholesterol in response to demands by our complex body-mind processes which involve the adrenal glands, reproductive and thyroid hormones. In the presence of high metabolic, emotional or physical stress it adapts by making more cholesterol.
It is estimated that our livers produce approximately 1 gram of cholesterol a day. Under normal circumstances, about 80% of the cholesterol in our bodies is made in the liver and the remaining 20% is taken from the food we eat.
Cholesterol from food is called dietary cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol is found in many animal products such as meats, seafoods, cheese, eggs and is also found in many organ meats such as kidneys, liver and brains.
There are basically two types of cholesterol which are known as HDL and LDL
1. "Good Cholesterol" This is also known as HDL Cholesterol or High Density Lipoprotein
HDL helps to reduce the levels of cholesterol in the blood and transport it back to the liver for processing, breakdown or storage. It is thought that H.D.L. actually protects against atherosclerosis, by rounding up all the bad cholesterol and literally taking it back to the liver.
By eating foods that are high in the good cholesterol or High Density Lipoproteins, it is possible to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol in the blood. Here are some food sources of good cholesterol in the body. These along with others are often regarded as cholesterol lowering foods:
- Fruits such as , lemons, apples, grapes.
- Onions.
- Soluble fibre - such as whole grains, oats and oat bran, brown rice.
- Legumes & lentils.
- Cooking oils such olive oil. Oils that are high in monounsaturated fats raise the levels of good Cholesterol.
- Fish, cold-pressed oils of flaxseed, safflower & sunflower, dark green vegetables
- Soy products such as tofu and tempeh
When we consume a large amount of cholesterol-rich foods in our diet, we can end up with more than the body needs. When this happens the excess cholesterol can start to build up in our arteries and can cause the walls of the arteries to narrow and harden.
Bad Cholesterol rich foods can be harmful if eaten to excess. Some ways to help prevent cholesterol build up is to eat heart-healthy foods such as whole grains and drink plenty of fresh water. Try to avoid eating highly processed foods, fatty foods, long-shelf life cakes, pastries, biscuits and high fat foods such as cream and cheese. Here are some other foods to not overeat if you tend to have raised cholesterol levels.
- Egg yolk
- Liver
- Kidney
- Regular Milk
- Hard cheeses
- Cream
In hyperlipidemic states, high levels of bad cholesterol can be managed in two general ways:
The first is to increase the content of fibre in the diet, which will speed up transit time of stool and thus reduce hepato-enteral recirculation of cholesterol.
The second is the stimulation of the production and secretion of bile, which will increase the binding of cholesterol. Foods that taste sour and bitter are a good way to do this.
Examples of bitters: Dandelion leaves, wild chicory, green leafy vegetables in general, and in particular: kohlrabi, kale and cucumber.
Examples of sours: pickled vegetables, lemons, lime, tamarind, unsweetened vinegar condiments, apple cider vinegar, sour grape juice.
Transfats are to be avoided
Hydrogenation is a process that is used to increase the shelf-life of liquid vegetable oils and fats by treating them with hydrogen.
If a liquid fat such as sunflower oil is put through the chemical process called hydrogenation, the oil goes from liquid to solid or semi-solid.
Once hydrogenated, the liquid sunflower oil becomes what is considered to be one of the worst types of fat, a "Trans-fat".
Trans in this sense comes from the Latin word meaning "across" and is to do with the chemical process of solidifying the oil.
Turning liquid fats into solid fats does increase the longevity of the food as is the case with margarines, but it also substantially alters the levels of "bad" cholesterol. Hydrogenation is used in the food industry to create longer-lasting margarine and fats that in turn create longer lasting cakes, biscuits, pies and pastries.
Trans-fats can interfere with the body's ability to regulate cholesterol. In many countries it is now part of food law that Food Manufacturing companies have to label the Trans fat content of food. Another name for Trans-fats is "partially hydrogenated oils". Be sure to look on the labels of the food you buy and avoid transfats.
Refined sugar is bad for you
Sugar is first pressed as a juice from the cane (or beet) and refined into molasses. Then it is refined into brown sugar, and finally into white crystals (with the chemical formula ). At this point it is an alien chemical to the human system.
Sugar is addictive. The average American now consumes approximately 115 lbs. of sugar per year. This is every man, woman and child on average. This is quite staggering. A few hundred years ago this product didn't exist and the human body did not come across sucrose in large quantities.
Because sugar supplies so many empty, non-nutritious calories, the body is never really satisfied. So the body never gets the basic all-round nutrition that it needs. So more sugar is craved and consumed!
Even more unfortunate is the fact that a great deal of sugar that people consume is hidden within the foods they eat. Manufacturers add sugar to the most surprising of foods. This makes it taste "nicer" but it often camouflages the fact that the food is often "empty".
Sugar leads to slow but insidious damage. It can take years before it ruins your pancreas, your adrenal glands, or throws your whole endocrine system out of kilter. All of these contribute to a long list of damage.
Blood sugar levels get thrown into turmoil and energy levels can become rather chaotic. This in turn can bring about mood swings and can lead to developing diabetes type 2.
For diabetics
I found that drastically reducing carbohydrates in the diet is helpful. Cutting out carbohydrates needs to be balanced by consuming large amounts of vegetables . Vegetable smoothies made with organic fresh produce are an excellent way of consuming large amounts of vegetables to bring the body back into balance. Diabetics may need to be careful with consuming large amounts of animal fats to prevent keto-acidosis.
For more information on diabetes check out my page on diabetes.
Eating good protein
Protein plays an important part in the change of life as hormones are actually made of proteins.
In the body, protein break down into amino acids that promote cell growth and repair. (They also take longer to digest than carbohydrates, helping you feel fuller for longer and on fewer calories—a plus for anyone trying to lose weight.)
Nearly all the physical processes in our bodies use proteins; from digestion, to blood clotting, from fighting bacteria to muscle use, from healthy nerve transmission to maintaining a healthy immune & circulation system.
Proteins support the growth, repair and healthy functioning of all living cells. The word protein comes from the Greek word “protos”, meaning first element.
Proteins are the building blocks for all living cells and have vital roles within the body. Examples of good protein foods: Lean meat, nuts & seeds, tofu, beans, lentils, spirulina, fish, gelatine, peas, quinoa, legumes, humus ....
Proteins help :
- Control blood sugar levels.
- Assist in the digestion of foods.
- Fight infection.
- Muscles to contract.
- Blood to clot.
- Make vital hormones.
- Repair cells and grow new ones when there has been physical shock or injury such as after operations or accidents.
- Make up skin, hair, muscles, nails, bones, teeth and cell walls.
- To provide energy.
- To convert food into energy in the body in the form of enzymes. Enzymes are made of protein.
- Nerve transmission.
Some of the body’s vital hormones such as estrogen and progesterone are made of protein. After water, proteins are the second most abundant substance in the human body, making up 80% of the body’s dry mass. Protein substances make up: muscles, tendons, glands, organs, nails, hair and are found in nearly all the cells in our body.
Replacing lost trace elements and minerals - Taking Quinton
Intensive farming practices have depleted our soils, leaving them deficient of minerals and trace elements. Modern commercial fertilisers replace nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium primarily which makes crops grow well but unfortunately farmed produce lacks many of the trace minerals that have been leached from the soil and used up by crops many years ago. The result is our food is not as nutritious as it should be and however much of it we eat there are some trace elements that we will never consume and replace in our body. Processing and irradiation of food does not help the nutritious quality of our food either.
By taking Quinton you can replenish these nutrients and minerals and help to restore the balance which maintains a healthy body.