Ever since I can remember, I have been intrigued by the miracle that we call life in human form, it's relationships and complex interdependent life processes.
Dis-ease being a sign that something is "out-of-balance" continues to fan the flame of my curiosity. Over the years, I have found many useful resources that helped me to understand more and more how all life processes hang together and what we can do to intervene in order to optimise health and wellbeing.
On this page you will find a modest number of such resources which I trust will help to increase your understanding of various health conditions.
Dis-ease being a sign that something is "out-of-balance" continues to fan the flame of my curiosity. Over the years, I have found many useful resources that helped me to understand more and more how all life processes hang together and what we can do to intervene in order to optimise health and wellbeing.
On this page you will find a modest number of such resources which I trust will help to increase your understanding of various health conditions.
Allergic Conditions Herbal Medicines to Reduce the Excitatory Effect of Histamine and Treat Allergic Conditions by endobiogenic herbalist Paul Michael
Histamine is an excitatory neuro-transmitter which is made from the amino acid histidine.[1] Extensive research has shown that "histamine is a major mediator of allergic inflammation" and plays a key role in inflammatory diseases.[2]
Alzheimers Disease cooperative study: The A4 Study is a clinical study for older individuals (ages 65-85) who have normal thinking and memory function but who may be at risk for developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) memory loss sometime in the future. The A4 study is for people without any outward signs of Alzheimer's disease, and is designed to evaluate the effectiveness, safety and tolerability of an investigational drug for AD. The purpose of the Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimer’s study (the”A4 study” for short) is to test whether a new investigational treatment can slow the memory loss caused by Alzheimer’s disease. The overall goal of the A4 study is to test whether decreasing amyloid with antibody investigational treatment can help slow the memory loss associated with amyloid buildup in some people.
The A4 Study lasts for three years, and participants will be assigned at random to receive either the investigational drug or a placebo and will be monitored over that period.
Brainhealth: 2 foods that may sabotage your brain by Dr.Kelly Brogan MD
Could there be a food-based cure for schizophrenia, bipolar, and depressive disorders? It is my firm conviction that diet – both what it may be deficient in as well as its potential toxicity – can cause what we label as mental illness.
Is it possible that our modern, post-industrial foods – sugar, gluten, processed dairy, and genetically modified soy and corn are conspiring with nutrient deficiencies in an incendiary collaboration that will give rise to gut/brain pathology?
Brain food: Nine well-researched nutrients known to boost mental performance and protect your brain health as you age, including…
1: Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALC)—to rebuild worn-out myelin so you can stop brain aging and feel quicker on your feet;
2: Alpha-GPC—to boost your brain’s memory fuel and limit senior moments;
3: Bacopa—to improve your brain’s ability to ignore distractions and banish stress;
4: Luteolin—to combat inflammation in the brain and restore working memory;
5:NeuroFactor™—to increase BDNF so you enjoy sharper memory and skilled task performance right away;
6: Phosphatidylserine(PS)—to support cell membranes and reduce your brain age;
7: Vinpocetine—to clear away brain rust and boost memory and learning;
8: Blueberry—to clear away brain rust and boost memory and learning;
9: Gingko biloba—to energize your brain and improve mental performance.
Brainresearch in the news
Brain stimulation with intranasal light therapy (see attached files under Dementia)
Brain on Mindfulness: Neuroscience of Mindfulness Scientific studies have found increasingly concrete proof of the inseparability of body and mind, and have even given us a glimpse of the biological basis of the illusion of self.
Effect of curcumin on brain insulin receptors and memory functions.
Canary Seeds for human consumption (Phalaris canariensis)
Chelation Therapy (oral):
Allergic Conditions Herbal Medicines to Reduce the Excitatory Effect of Histamine and Treat Allergic Conditions by endobiogenic herbalist Paul Michael
Histamine is an excitatory neuro-transmitter which is made from the amino acid histidine.[1] Extensive research has shown that "histamine is a major mediator of allergic inflammation" and plays a key role in inflammatory diseases.[2]
Alzheimers Disease cooperative study: The A4 Study is a clinical study for older individuals (ages 65-85) who have normal thinking and memory function but who may be at risk for developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) memory loss sometime in the future. The A4 study is for people without any outward signs of Alzheimer's disease, and is designed to evaluate the effectiveness, safety and tolerability of an investigational drug for AD. The purpose of the Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimer’s study (the”A4 study” for short) is to test whether a new investigational treatment can slow the memory loss caused by Alzheimer’s disease. The overall goal of the A4 study is to test whether decreasing amyloid with antibody investigational treatment can help slow the memory loss associated with amyloid buildup in some people.
The A4 Study lasts for three years, and participants will be assigned at random to receive either the investigational drug or a placebo and will be monitored over that period.
Brainhealth: 2 foods that may sabotage your brain by Dr.Kelly Brogan MD
Could there be a food-based cure for schizophrenia, bipolar, and depressive disorders? It is my firm conviction that diet – both what it may be deficient in as well as its potential toxicity – can cause what we label as mental illness.
Is it possible that our modern, post-industrial foods – sugar, gluten, processed dairy, and genetically modified soy and corn are conspiring with nutrient deficiencies in an incendiary collaboration that will give rise to gut/brain pathology?
Brain food: Nine well-researched nutrients known to boost mental performance and protect your brain health as you age, including…
1: Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALC)—to rebuild worn-out myelin so you can stop brain aging and feel quicker on your feet;
2: Alpha-GPC—to boost your brain’s memory fuel and limit senior moments;
3: Bacopa—to improve your brain’s ability to ignore distractions and banish stress;
4: Luteolin—to combat inflammation in the brain and restore working memory;
5:NeuroFactor™—to increase BDNF so you enjoy sharper memory and skilled task performance right away;
6: Phosphatidylserine(PS)—to support cell membranes and reduce your brain age;
7: Vinpocetine—to clear away brain rust and boost memory and learning;
8: Blueberry—to clear away brain rust and boost memory and learning;
9: Gingko biloba—to energize your brain and improve mental performance.
Brainresearch in the news
Brain stimulation with intranasal light therapy (see attached files under Dementia)
Brain on Mindfulness: Neuroscience of Mindfulness Scientific studies have found increasingly concrete proof of the inseparability of body and mind, and have even given us a glimpse of the biological basis of the illusion of self.
Effect of curcumin on brain insulin receptors and memory functions.
Canary Seeds for human consumption (Phalaris canariensis)
Chelation Therapy (oral):
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Another description of the intranasal light therapy product that uses a low level (or “cold”) laser diode.
Dementia Resources: There is an abundance of free or low-cost Alzheimer’s and dementia information on the Internet.
Amazon offers a number of ebooks that cost nothing and provide the kinds of well-established brain exercises that can help. And very reputable medical institutions such as Harvard and the Mayo Clinic offer free and documented information. Harvard, in particular, warns that excess weight,poor eating habits and lack of exercise are the major factors linked to brain disease. The Mayo Clinic suggests use of brain exercises, such as those offered by a number of legitimate Internet companies who offer FREE interactive brain exercises: Neuronation, Mind Games, Brain Matrix, as well as low-cost offerings by BrainHQ and Rosetta Stone.
Dementia: Recent science suggests that some Alzheimers’ symptoms can be attenuated and, perhaps, reversed. But the key steps needed are eliminating all simple carbohydrates from your diet, increasing consumption of fruit, vegetables and non-farmed fish, incorporation of yoga and meditation and daily supplements including vitamin D3, fish oil, coenzyme Q10, melatonin and for women to resume hormone therapy, if they had ended it. While the supplement part of this recommendation is somewhat controversial, the lifestyle changes are not; they promote healthfulness, which is an essential element in keeping the brain healthy. There is a plethora of free and peer-reviewed analysis, like this, on the web and new studies that are revealing more light into the causes and treatment of Alzheimers.
Dementia treatment approaches/ Medscape: "Based on the hypothesis that AD results from an imbalance in an extensive plasticity network, the therapy should address as many network components as possible, with the idea that a combination approach may create an effect that is more than the sum of the effects of many monotherapeutics," the researchers add.
Critical to the success of this hypothesis is the idea that there is a "threshold" at which multiple interventions will start to reverse the pathology leading to memory loss.
As Dr Bredesen points out, it has been shown by Dean Ornish, MD, founder and president of Preventive Medicine Research Institute, San Francisco, California, among others that with a large enough lifestyle change, buildup of atherosclerotic plaque and subsequent coronary artery disease can be reversed.
Similarly, in AD, if enough of the factors that contribute to the imbalance between synaptoblastic and synaptoclastic signaling in the brain can be reversed, deficits in the network that lead to memory loss can be redressed — "and you start to see improvement, which is exactly what we saw in these patients. If they follow enough of these interventions, they are able to improve," Dr Bredesen said.
Dementia - Is Gluten a Culprit?
In his new book Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar -- Your Brain's Silent Killers,
Dr. David Perlmutter, Associate Professor at the University of Miami School of Medicine, advocates that lifestyle modifications, starting with a high-fat, nearly carbohydrate-free diet, can prevent or greatly lower dementia risk and progression -- and he's armed with plenty of data to back up the claim.
Dementia: Nutrition, Neurogenesis and Mental Health Laboratory Dr.Sandrine Thuret and her team studies how the systemic milieu modulates hippocampal neurogenesis during ageing and Alzheimer’s disease progression.
The adult mammalian brain contains small populations of neural stem cells dividing and differentiating into neurons. This process of neurogenesis occurs in the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. AHN decreases with age and elderly animals display impaired learning and memory abilities, whereas increased AHN is linked to improved learning and memory. Moreover, AHN is reduced by stressful experiences and in animal models of depression, whereas many antidepressant treatments have been shown to enhance and are dependent on functional AHN. Therefore, AHN strongly emerges as an advantageous target for counteracting the effect of ageing and stress and thus preventing cognitive and mood decline.
Impact of diet on adult hippocampal neurogenesis - a paper by Sandrine Thuret and Doris Stangl published in 2009
See also Stem cell renewal under S for more information on how to stimulate neurogenesis naturally.
Detox - FIGHT For Your Health Program Gordon Research Institute
Every year about this time, as the signs of springtime renewal become more evident, people get motivated to “spring clean” their outer living spaces. We gather up old, unused clothing and household items for donation… de-clutter cabinets, closets and counter spaces… dust, vacuum, and shampoo draperies, furniture, rugs and carpets… and throw open the windows and doors welcoming in the fresh air and sunshine from outside. Many people are also implementing an internal “spring cleaning”, or detox program, for inner renewal.
Detoxification Must Be Daily
Preventing illness and feeling our absolute best is predominantly done through living
a healthy responsible lifestyle. But to achieve lasting wellness in today’s toxic world, detoxification must be a daily, life-long pursuit. The levels of heavy metals and other toxins we absorb on a daily basis are directly correlated to the body burden of infection and inflammation that we carry within us. We need to care for the whole body, with equal focus on our physical, mental and spiritual spaces. This means eating a healthy organic diet, supplementing the body with essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and probiotics, reducing stress through positive mental focus, and incorporating some form of moderate daily exercise.
Ultimate Cleansing with ZeoGold Enhanced and BioEnR-Gy C
ZeoGold is the premier product to have in your detox arsenal. ZeoGold is a Micronized Hydro-colloid (MHZ) form of volcanic mineral called zeolite (clinoptilolite), and research has shown that Zeolite has an ideal structure for mopping up and removing toxins such as aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and tin, but does not remove beneficial minerals such as zinc and potassium, which can be the case with other detox treatments. What makes ZeoGold even more powerful is that it includes Longevity Plus’ exceptional Vitamin C product, BioEnR-Gy C containing proprietary blends of GMS-Ribose and Glutathione Lipoate with Humic Acid, all of which support cellular detoxification.
ZeoGold Enhanced provides negative hydrogen ions, which are thought to be the most powerful antioxidant available today. Pollution, and the natural aging process, produce damaging free-radicals. Free radical accumulation of over time contributes to premature aging and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, and also symptoms associated with heart disease, atrial fibrillation, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, thyroid and hormone imbalances, Type 2 diabetes and more. But by simply replenishing our hydrogen stores, we can increase cellular energy and detoxification, relieving and even reversing many of these conditions.
BioEnR-Gy C is an enhanced form of Ribose Nucleotide Activated (RNA) vitamin C, utilizing a special patented delivery system containing Riboperine Metabolites that safely allows patients to take daily high doses without stomach upset, cramping or diarrhea. BioEnR-Gy C also contains Methylated glycine and methylsulfonylmethane or MSM. Methylated glycine is a methyl donor that supports healthy homocysteine metabolism, optimal liver function and is important for cellular replication, and detoxification reactions. MSM provides sulfur, which is a vital building block of joints, cartilage, skin, hair and nails, and methyl groups that support a myriad of fundamental and vital biochemical processes in the body, including energy production.
ZeoGold Enhanced and BioEnR-Gy C blended together with quality, pure water or organic fruit juice is what I call my deluxe “detox drink”. These powerful supplements provide all the necessary ingredients for detoxification and free radical protection, resulting in increased energy levels, stamina and strong immune function so important in the battle against all of the viral and environmental stressors we face daily. My detox drink is a safe, affordable, easy and highly effective way to get the lead and toxins out.
PEMF – Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency as Cellular Exercise
PEMF therapy is a form of Magnetically Induced Cellular Exercise that produces the same effects and benefits as physical exercise, but without the stress and strain upon your muscles and bone. By restoring the body’s natural electro-magnetic energy, cell metabolism is boosted, blood cells are regenerated, circulation is improved and oxygen carrying capacity is increased. Ultimately the immune system becomes healthier, the nervous system relaxes, bones and joints become stronger, and vital organs such as the liver, kidneys and colon are able to rid themselves of impurities thus detoxifying the body.
Detoxification and restoration are key elements of my FIGHT For Your Health Program, along with the finest supplements and protocols designed to cleanse and heal our bodies every day, all year long, for life. What we do to provide ourselves with the optimal environment of necessary nutrients for energy production, repair and function, elimination of toxins and wastes, and proper positive mental outlook, is absolutely crucial to our health, happiness and longevity.
Dementia Resources: There is an abundance of free or low-cost Alzheimer’s and dementia information on the Internet.
Amazon offers a number of ebooks that cost nothing and provide the kinds of well-established brain exercises that can help. And very reputable medical institutions such as Harvard and the Mayo Clinic offer free and documented information. Harvard, in particular, warns that excess weight,poor eating habits and lack of exercise are the major factors linked to brain disease. The Mayo Clinic suggests use of brain exercises, such as those offered by a number of legitimate Internet companies who offer FREE interactive brain exercises: Neuronation, Mind Games, Brain Matrix, as well as low-cost offerings by BrainHQ and Rosetta Stone.
Dementia: Recent science suggests that some Alzheimers’ symptoms can be attenuated and, perhaps, reversed. But the key steps needed are eliminating all simple carbohydrates from your diet, increasing consumption of fruit, vegetables and non-farmed fish, incorporation of yoga and meditation and daily supplements including vitamin D3, fish oil, coenzyme Q10, melatonin and for women to resume hormone therapy, if they had ended it. While the supplement part of this recommendation is somewhat controversial, the lifestyle changes are not; they promote healthfulness, which is an essential element in keeping the brain healthy. There is a plethora of free and peer-reviewed analysis, like this, on the web and new studies that are revealing more light into the causes and treatment of Alzheimers.
Dementia treatment approaches/ Medscape: "Based on the hypothesis that AD results from an imbalance in an extensive plasticity network, the therapy should address as many network components as possible, with the idea that a combination approach may create an effect that is more than the sum of the effects of many monotherapeutics," the researchers add.
Critical to the success of this hypothesis is the idea that there is a "threshold" at which multiple interventions will start to reverse the pathology leading to memory loss.
As Dr Bredesen points out, it has been shown by Dean Ornish, MD, founder and president of Preventive Medicine Research Institute, San Francisco, California, among others that with a large enough lifestyle change, buildup of atherosclerotic plaque and subsequent coronary artery disease can be reversed.
Similarly, in AD, if enough of the factors that contribute to the imbalance between synaptoblastic and synaptoclastic signaling in the brain can be reversed, deficits in the network that lead to memory loss can be redressed — "and you start to see improvement, which is exactly what we saw in these patients. If they follow enough of these interventions, they are able to improve," Dr Bredesen said.
Dementia - Is Gluten a Culprit?
In his new book Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar -- Your Brain's Silent Killers,
Dr. David Perlmutter, Associate Professor at the University of Miami School of Medicine, advocates that lifestyle modifications, starting with a high-fat, nearly carbohydrate-free diet, can prevent or greatly lower dementia risk and progression -- and he's armed with plenty of data to back up the claim.
Dementia: Nutrition, Neurogenesis and Mental Health Laboratory Dr.Sandrine Thuret and her team studies how the systemic milieu modulates hippocampal neurogenesis during ageing and Alzheimer’s disease progression.
The adult mammalian brain contains small populations of neural stem cells dividing and differentiating into neurons. This process of neurogenesis occurs in the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. AHN decreases with age and elderly animals display impaired learning and memory abilities, whereas increased AHN is linked to improved learning and memory. Moreover, AHN is reduced by stressful experiences and in animal models of depression, whereas many antidepressant treatments have been shown to enhance and are dependent on functional AHN. Therefore, AHN strongly emerges as an advantageous target for counteracting the effect of ageing and stress and thus preventing cognitive and mood decline.
Impact of diet on adult hippocampal neurogenesis - a paper by Sandrine Thuret and Doris Stangl published in 2009
See also Stem cell renewal under S for more information on how to stimulate neurogenesis naturally.
Detox - FIGHT For Your Health Program Gordon Research Institute
Every year about this time, as the signs of springtime renewal become more evident, people get motivated to “spring clean” their outer living spaces. We gather up old, unused clothing and household items for donation… de-clutter cabinets, closets and counter spaces… dust, vacuum, and shampoo draperies, furniture, rugs and carpets… and throw open the windows and doors welcoming in the fresh air and sunshine from outside. Many people are also implementing an internal “spring cleaning”, or detox program, for inner renewal.
Detoxification Must Be Daily
Preventing illness and feeling our absolute best is predominantly done through living
a healthy responsible lifestyle. But to achieve lasting wellness in today’s toxic world, detoxification must be a daily, life-long pursuit. The levels of heavy metals and other toxins we absorb on a daily basis are directly correlated to the body burden of infection and inflammation that we carry within us. We need to care for the whole body, with equal focus on our physical, mental and spiritual spaces. This means eating a healthy organic diet, supplementing the body with essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and probiotics, reducing stress through positive mental focus, and incorporating some form of moderate daily exercise.
Ultimate Cleansing with ZeoGold Enhanced and BioEnR-Gy C
ZeoGold is the premier product to have in your detox arsenal. ZeoGold is a Micronized Hydro-colloid (MHZ) form of volcanic mineral called zeolite (clinoptilolite), and research has shown that Zeolite has an ideal structure for mopping up and removing toxins such as aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and tin, but does not remove beneficial minerals such as zinc and potassium, which can be the case with other detox treatments. What makes ZeoGold even more powerful is that it includes Longevity Plus’ exceptional Vitamin C product, BioEnR-Gy C containing proprietary blends of GMS-Ribose and Glutathione Lipoate with Humic Acid, all of which support cellular detoxification.
ZeoGold Enhanced provides negative hydrogen ions, which are thought to be the most powerful antioxidant available today. Pollution, and the natural aging process, produce damaging free-radicals. Free radical accumulation of over time contributes to premature aging and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, and also symptoms associated with heart disease, atrial fibrillation, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, thyroid and hormone imbalances, Type 2 diabetes and more. But by simply replenishing our hydrogen stores, we can increase cellular energy and detoxification, relieving and even reversing many of these conditions.
BioEnR-Gy C is an enhanced form of Ribose Nucleotide Activated (RNA) vitamin C, utilizing a special patented delivery system containing Riboperine Metabolites that safely allows patients to take daily high doses without stomach upset, cramping or diarrhea. BioEnR-Gy C also contains Methylated glycine and methylsulfonylmethane or MSM. Methylated glycine is a methyl donor that supports healthy homocysteine metabolism, optimal liver function and is important for cellular replication, and detoxification reactions. MSM provides sulfur, which is a vital building block of joints, cartilage, skin, hair and nails, and methyl groups that support a myriad of fundamental and vital biochemical processes in the body, including energy production.
ZeoGold Enhanced and BioEnR-Gy C blended together with quality, pure water or organic fruit juice is what I call my deluxe “detox drink”. These powerful supplements provide all the necessary ingredients for detoxification and free radical protection, resulting in increased energy levels, stamina and strong immune function so important in the battle against all of the viral and environmental stressors we face daily. My detox drink is a safe, affordable, easy and highly effective way to get the lead and toxins out.
PEMF – Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency as Cellular Exercise
PEMF therapy is a form of Magnetically Induced Cellular Exercise that produces the same effects and benefits as physical exercise, but without the stress and strain upon your muscles and bone. By restoring the body’s natural electro-magnetic energy, cell metabolism is boosted, blood cells are regenerated, circulation is improved and oxygen carrying capacity is increased. Ultimately the immune system becomes healthier, the nervous system relaxes, bones and joints become stronger, and vital organs such as the liver, kidneys and colon are able to rid themselves of impurities thus detoxifying the body.
Detoxification and restoration are key elements of my FIGHT For Your Health Program, along with the finest supplements and protocols designed to cleanse and heal our bodies every day, all year long, for life. What we do to provide ourselves with the optimal environment of necessary nutrients for energy production, repair and function, elimination of toxins and wastes, and proper positive mental outlook, is absolutely crucial to our health, happiness and longevity.
References to research into herbs and spices for the treatment of diabetes:
References to research into herbs and spices for the treatment of diabetes:
- Boukhris M, Bouaziz M, Feki I, Jemai H, El Feki A, Sayadi S. (2012). Hypoglycemic and antioxidant effects of leaf essential oil of Pelargonium graveolens L’Hér. in alloxan induced diabetic rats. Lipids in Health and Disease. Available: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3439344/. Last accessed 1 May 2015.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). National Diabetes Statistics Report: Estimates of Diabetes and Its Burden in the United States, 2014. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services.
- Chang C L T, Lin Y, Bartolome A P, Chen Y-C, Chiu S-C, Yang W-C. (2013). Herbal Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes mellitus: Chemistry, Biology, and Potential Application of Selected Plants and Compounds. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Available: http:// dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/378657. Last accessed 1 May 2015.
- Kheterpal I, Coleman L, Ku G, Wang Z Q, Ribnicky D, Cefalu W T. (2010). Regulation of insulin action by an extract of Artemisia dracunculus L. in primary human skeletal muscle culture: a proteomics approach. Phytother Res. 24 (9), p1278–1284. Neelakantan N, Narayanan M, de Souza R J, van Dam R M. (2014). Effect of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) intake on glycemia: a meta-analysis of clinical trials. Nutr J. 18;13:7. Available: http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24438170. Last accessed 1May 2015.
- Ranasinghe P, Jayawardana R, Galappaththy P, Constantine G R, de Vas Gunawardana N, Katulanda P. (2012). Efficacy and safety of ‘true’ cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) as a pharmaceutical agent in diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabet Med. 29 (12), p1480–1492. Sil R, Ray D, Chakraborti A S. (2013). Glycyrrhizin ameliorates insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and oxidative stress in fructose-induced metabolic syndrome-X in rat model. Indian J Exp Biol. 51 (2), p129–138.
- Weidner C, Wowro S J, Freiwald A, Kodelja V, Abdel-Aziz H, Kelber O, Sauer S. (2014). Lemon balm extract causes potent antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects in insulin-resistant obese mice. Mol Nutr Food Res. 58 (4), p903–907.
- Zeggwagh N A, Moufid A, Michel J B, Eddouks M. (2009). Hypotensive effect of Chamaemelum nobile aqueous extract in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Clin Exp Hypertens. 31 (5), p440–450.
- Zhao J, Khan S I, Wang M, Vasquez Y, Yang M H, Avula B, Wang Y H, Avonto C, Smillie T J, Khan I A. (2014). Octulosonic acid derivatives from Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) with activities against inflammation and metabolic disorder. J Nat Prod. 77 (3), p509–515.
An introduction to the theory of Endobiogenics A Clinical Guide to Applied Systems Biology: A global systems approach to medicine according to the theory of Endobiogeny.
Review history of medicine and the introduction of reductionism / Discussion on Epistemology / Limits of Reductionism / Integrative vs. Integrating Medicine / Conclusions
Endobiogeny: A global approach to systems biology (Part 1 of 2) by Jean-Claude Lapraz MD & Kamyar M Hedayat MD
Endobiogeny is a global systems approach to human biology that may offer an advancement in clinical medicine based in scientific principles of rigor and experimentation and the humanistic principles of individualization of care and alleviation of suffering with minimization of harm. Endobiogeny is neither a movement away from modern science nor an uncritical embracing of pre-rational methods of inquiry but a synthesis of quantitative and qualitative relationships reflected in a systems-approach to life and based on new mathematical paradigms of pattern recognition.
Endobiogeny: A global approach to systems biology
General concepts presented in 35 slides by Dr.Kamyar Hedayat of the American Society of Endobiogenic Medicine and integrative Physiology
““Living systems are organized in such a way that they form multi-leveled structures, each level consisting of subsytems which are wholes in regard to their parts, and parts with respect to the larger wholes ”--Fritjof Capra, The turning point: science, society and the rising culture, p. 43 (c) 2013 American Society of Endobiogenic Medicine and Integrative Physiology
About Endobiogenie
Carol Silverander describes an integrative medical treatment called Endobiogenie that has been instrumental in keeping her stage-four breast cancer stabilized for more than seven years.
Endobiogeny Clinical Study: Dr.Kamyar presents the first clinical study in Endobiogeny, being on a novel use of biomarkers in cancer. – Kamyar Hedayat, M.D.
Endobiogeny: Research on Cancer by Dr. Kmayar Hedyat MD scroll down on this page.
A Global Systems Approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma by Dr.Kamyar Hedayat
Evolution of Medicine: An interview with Dr.Hedayat Kamyar by the Functional Forum
Holism is the tendency in nature to form wholes bigger than the sum of the parts through creative evolution” --Jan Smuts
One of the important bedrocks of Functional Medicine is systems biology, a way of looking at the body that focuses on the interaction between bodily systems. This is a necessary framework for understanding complicated, chronic conditions.
The American Society of Endobiogenic Medicine and Integrated Physiology takes this philosophy a step further, looking at deeper levels of systems interaction and holism with a specific focus on the endocrine system and it’s key role in laying the framework for dynamic adaptation. In this enlightening half hour we speak to Kaymar Hedayat MD, the President of this society, about their framework and the implications for optimal endocrine management and standard of care.
What you will learn
Biology of Functions. A beginners guide By Kamyar M. Hedayat, MD
Endobiogeny: Menopause & Andropause
Presented by Kamyar Hedayat MD
Living is a series of adaptions and modifications of natural transitions
Endobiogenic perspective:
Functional considerations of the Vagus nerve
Presented by Kamyar Hedayat MD
Endobiogeny: Introduction to the Biology of Function
Mathematical modelling and predictive biology by Jean Claude Lapra MD and Kamyar Hedayat MD
Black Cumin Seeds and Seizures
Fibrocystic breast disease Nutritional suggestions
Gemmotherapy: Dynamic Gemmotherapy of Joe Rozencwajg
Heavy Metal Poisoning
The world abounds with substances that affect hormone balance. It is widely accepted that that there are many organic substances that affect hormone activity in the body. For example, soy has estrogen-like qualities and ginseng acts as an adrenal adaptogen. We can use these organic substances in ways that are beneficial to the body. On the other hand, organic substances like phthalates, PCBs and BPA mimic estrogens in a negative way. They create a burden of too much estrogen activity in the body.
Researchers are now turning to inorganic sources of hormone disruption. In 2006, Darbre published a paper that identified many metals that have an effect on estrogen receptors. These effects include: altering gene expression, estrogenic activity, and displacing estrogens from estrogen receptors. Metals that have been identified to exert an influence on estrogen receptors include aluminum, antimony, arsenite, barium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenite, tin, and vanadate. These metals are referred to as metalloestrogens. The paper also identified metalloestrogen activity at progesterone, testosterone and glucocorticoid (hydrocortisone-like) receptors. For example, cadmium has been shown to produce testosterone activity, displace testosterone from testosterone receptors and affect gene changes. Darbre concludes that all steroid hormone receptors may be affected.
Some metalloestrogens are essential minerals. Cobalt, chromium, copper, and nickel are all needed in trace amounts for normal human body function. When the amounts of these minerals exceed the amount needed by the body, they begin to interfere with the hormone receptors.
Other metalloestrogens, such as cadmium, aluminum, and lead, are not needed by the body in any amount. Cadmium is problematic because the human body doesn’t have an enzyme system to eliminate it once we are exposed. Making matters worse, the kidneys reabsorb cadmium rather than eliminate it. The amount of cadmium in our bodies continues to increase as we age. Common sources of cadmium, outside of industrial uses, include cigarette smoke and certain foods due to cadmium pollution in our environment. Cadmium may be a trigger for endometriosis. Several studies point to an association between the presence of cadmium in the body and endometrial tissue proliferation. One especially interesting study found melatonin was able to block the estrogenic effect of cadmium in endometrial tissue.
Lead acts as a metalloestrogen by occupying hormone receptors. Unsurprisingly, lead contributes to a number of health conditions. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes lead can cause a number of problems for women. After menopause, increased levels of lead in the body increase one’s risk for hypertension, atherosclerosis, reduced kidney function, and decreased cognitive functioning with symptoms similar to dementia. Osteoporosis, another condition common in menopause, can cause lead to be released into the body as bone breaks down. Those of us who have been exposed to lead paints and leaded gasoline have higher levels of lead in our bones, causing higher levels of lead in our bodies as lead is released from our bones. To read more about lead, click this link: http://www.womensinternational.com/newsletter/article_GetTheLeadOut.html.
As research expands and we dig deeper into hormone balance issues, more information emerges to help us solve the riddle of hormone imbalance. The effects of metalloestrogens are not always considered by busy practitioners. Furthermore, many are not trained to help reduce the body’s load of metalloestrogens. Two medical groups that focus on reducing metalloestrogens in the body are the International College of Integrated Medicine (www.icimed.com) and the American College for Advancement in Medicine (www.acam.org).
Darbre, P.D. 'Metalloestrogens: An Emerging Class of Inorganic Xenoestrogens With Potential to Add to the Oestrogenic Burden of the Human Breast.' Journal of Applied Toxicology 2006; DOI:10.1002/jat.1135. http://epa.gov/aging/factsheets/weh-rd.html
Silva N, Tennekoon K, Senanayake H, Samarakoon S. Metalloestrogen cadmium stimulates proliferation of stromal cells derived from the eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Dec;52(4):540-5.
L.W. Jackson, M.D. Zullo and J.M. Goldberg The association between heavy metals, endometriosis and uterine myomas among premenopausal women: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999 – 2002 Human Reproduction Vol 23 No. 3 pp 679-687, 2008
Martínez-Campa C1, Alonso-González C, Mediavilla MD, Cos S, González A, Ramos S, Sánchez-Barceló EJ. Melatonin inhibits both ER alpha activation and breast cancer cell proliferation induced by a metalloestrogen, cadmium. J Pineal Res. 2006 May;40(4):291-6.
An introduction to the theory of Endobiogenics A Clinical Guide to Applied Systems Biology: A global systems approach to medicine according to the theory of Endobiogeny.
Review history of medicine and the introduction of reductionism / Discussion on Epistemology / Limits of Reductionism / Integrative vs. Integrating Medicine / Conclusions
Endobiogeny: A global approach to systems biology (Part 1 of 2) by Jean-Claude Lapraz MD & Kamyar M Hedayat MD
Endobiogeny is a global systems approach to human biology that may offer an advancement in clinical medicine based in scientific principles of rigor and experimentation and the humanistic principles of individualization of care and alleviation of suffering with minimization of harm. Endobiogeny is neither a movement away from modern science nor an uncritical embracing of pre-rational methods of inquiry but a synthesis of quantitative and qualitative relationships reflected in a systems-approach to life and based on new mathematical paradigms of pattern recognition.
Endobiogeny: A global approach to systems biology
General concepts presented in 35 slides by Dr.Kamyar Hedayat of the American Society of Endobiogenic Medicine and integrative Physiology
““Living systems are organized in such a way that they form multi-leveled structures, each level consisting of subsytems which are wholes in regard to their parts, and parts with respect to the larger wholes ”--Fritjof Capra, The turning point: science, society and the rising culture, p. 43 (c) 2013 American Society of Endobiogenic Medicine and Integrative Physiology
About Endobiogenie
Carol Silverander describes an integrative medical treatment called Endobiogenie that has been instrumental in keeping her stage-four breast cancer stabilized for more than seven years.
Endobiogeny Clinical Study: Dr.Kamyar presents the first clinical study in Endobiogeny, being on a novel use of biomarkers in cancer. – Kamyar Hedayat, M.D.
Endobiogeny: Research on Cancer by Dr. Kmayar Hedyat MD scroll down on this page.
A Global Systems Approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma by Dr.Kamyar Hedayat
Evolution of Medicine: An interview with Dr.Hedayat Kamyar by the Functional Forum
Holism is the tendency in nature to form wholes bigger than the sum of the parts through creative evolution” --Jan Smuts
One of the important bedrocks of Functional Medicine is systems biology, a way of looking at the body that focuses on the interaction between bodily systems. This is a necessary framework for understanding complicated, chronic conditions.
The American Society of Endobiogenic Medicine and Integrated Physiology takes this philosophy a step further, looking at deeper levels of systems interaction and holism with a specific focus on the endocrine system and it’s key role in laying the framework for dynamic adaptation. In this enlightening half hour we speak to Kaymar Hedayat MD, the President of this society, about their framework and the implications for optimal endocrine management and standard of care.
What you will learn
- Why the endocrine system is the most foundational of the human systems
- The advanced diagnostics and treatments offered within the system
- How endobiogeny bridges the chasm between Eastern and Western medicine in new ways
Biology of Functions. A beginners guide By Kamyar M. Hedayat, MD
Endobiogeny: Menopause & Andropause
Presented by Kamyar Hedayat MD
Living is a series of adaptions and modifications of natural transitions
Endobiogenic perspective:
Functional considerations of the Vagus nerve
Presented by Kamyar Hedayat MD
Endobiogeny: Introduction to the Biology of Function
Mathematical modelling and predictive biology by Jean Claude Lapra MD and Kamyar Hedayat MD
Black Cumin Seeds and Seizures
Fibrocystic breast disease Nutritional suggestions
Gemmotherapy: Dynamic Gemmotherapy of Joe Rozencwajg
Heavy Metal Poisoning
The world abounds with substances that affect hormone balance. It is widely accepted that that there are many organic substances that affect hormone activity in the body. For example, soy has estrogen-like qualities and ginseng acts as an adrenal adaptogen. We can use these organic substances in ways that are beneficial to the body. On the other hand, organic substances like phthalates, PCBs and BPA mimic estrogens in a negative way. They create a burden of too much estrogen activity in the body.
Researchers are now turning to inorganic sources of hormone disruption. In 2006, Darbre published a paper that identified many metals that have an effect on estrogen receptors. These effects include: altering gene expression, estrogenic activity, and displacing estrogens from estrogen receptors. Metals that have been identified to exert an influence on estrogen receptors include aluminum, antimony, arsenite, barium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenite, tin, and vanadate. These metals are referred to as metalloestrogens. The paper also identified metalloestrogen activity at progesterone, testosterone and glucocorticoid (hydrocortisone-like) receptors. For example, cadmium has been shown to produce testosterone activity, displace testosterone from testosterone receptors and affect gene changes. Darbre concludes that all steroid hormone receptors may be affected.
Some metalloestrogens are essential minerals. Cobalt, chromium, copper, and nickel are all needed in trace amounts for normal human body function. When the amounts of these minerals exceed the amount needed by the body, they begin to interfere with the hormone receptors.
Other metalloestrogens, such as cadmium, aluminum, and lead, are not needed by the body in any amount. Cadmium is problematic because the human body doesn’t have an enzyme system to eliminate it once we are exposed. Making matters worse, the kidneys reabsorb cadmium rather than eliminate it. The amount of cadmium in our bodies continues to increase as we age. Common sources of cadmium, outside of industrial uses, include cigarette smoke and certain foods due to cadmium pollution in our environment. Cadmium may be a trigger for endometriosis. Several studies point to an association between the presence of cadmium in the body and endometrial tissue proliferation. One especially interesting study found melatonin was able to block the estrogenic effect of cadmium in endometrial tissue.
Lead acts as a metalloestrogen by occupying hormone receptors. Unsurprisingly, lead contributes to a number of health conditions. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes lead can cause a number of problems for women. After menopause, increased levels of lead in the body increase one’s risk for hypertension, atherosclerosis, reduced kidney function, and decreased cognitive functioning with symptoms similar to dementia. Osteoporosis, another condition common in menopause, can cause lead to be released into the body as bone breaks down. Those of us who have been exposed to lead paints and leaded gasoline have higher levels of lead in our bones, causing higher levels of lead in our bodies as lead is released from our bones. To read more about lead, click this link: http://www.womensinternational.com/newsletter/article_GetTheLeadOut.html.
As research expands and we dig deeper into hormone balance issues, more information emerges to help us solve the riddle of hormone imbalance. The effects of metalloestrogens are not always considered by busy practitioners. Furthermore, many are not trained to help reduce the body’s load of metalloestrogens. Two medical groups that focus on reducing metalloestrogens in the body are the International College of Integrated Medicine (www.icimed.com) and the American College for Advancement in Medicine (www.acam.org).
Darbre, P.D. 'Metalloestrogens: An Emerging Class of Inorganic Xenoestrogens With Potential to Add to the Oestrogenic Burden of the Human Breast.' Journal of Applied Toxicology 2006; DOI:10.1002/jat.1135. http://epa.gov/aging/factsheets/weh-rd.html
Silva N, Tennekoon K, Senanayake H, Samarakoon S. Metalloestrogen cadmium stimulates proliferation of stromal cells derived from the eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis.Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Dec;52(4):540-5.
L.W. Jackson, M.D. Zullo and J.M. Goldberg The association between heavy metals, endometriosis and uterine myomas among premenopausal women: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999 – 2002 Human Reproduction Vol 23 No. 3 pp 679-687, 2008
Martínez-Campa C1, Alonso-González C, Mediavilla MD, Cos S, González A, Ramos S, Sánchez-Barceló EJ. Melatonin inhibits both ER alpha activation and breast cancer cell proliferation induced by a metalloestrogen, cadmium. J Pineal Res. 2006 May;40(4):291-6.
As a Selective Antioxidant: a Review of Clinical and Experimental Studies;
The Journal of International Medical Research
As a Selective Antioxidant: a Review of Clinical and Experimental Studies;
The Journal of International Medical Research
Nutrition’s Growing Role in Fighting Inflammation
Scientific understanding of how to address inflammation through dietary strategies may help to control many chronic diseases
Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I: Compartmentalization Within the Somatotropic Axis?
Irritable Bowel syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel disease and herbal treatment by endobiogenic herbalist Paul Michael
The main difference between IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) is that the former is a functional disorder with no structural changes, and the latter a functional and structural disorder with pathological changes occurring. People suffering from these diseases can be greatly affected, both psychologically and physiologically, resulting in a constant struggle for a better quality of life. Even though we can consider IBS to be less severe than IBD, the effects can still be disabling. However, patients suffering from IBD do not only have to cope with the disastrous effects of the disease, but also have to deal with the side-effects of the potent drug treatments used.
Inflammation: The top anti-inflammatory foods, herbs and spices that prevent inflammation
Mediterranean Diet
Research by Sheffield Hallam University and the University of Lincoln in the U.K. revealed that the diet and exercise combination leads to improved blood flow in cells in the inner lining of the blood vessels—called the endothelial cells—a full 12 months after completing participation in the intervention program. - See more at: http://www.nutraceuticalsworld.com/contents/view_breaking-news/2014-11-10/mediterranean-diets-may-offer-lasting-health-benefits/#sthash.NzmTy8Z9.dpuf
Memory is a 'team effort' by several regions of the brain. Researchers say a study uncovered an important brain circuit.
Remembering where we left our keys requires at least three different regions of the brain to work together, a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience says. The hippocampus, perithinal cortex and medial prefrontal cortex all have specific roles in memory processing.
This is your Brain on Mindfulness Meditators say their practice fundamentally changes the way they experience life. Michael Baime reports on how modern neuroscience is explaining this in biological terms.
Multiple Sclerosis & Dementia : ACETYL L-CARNITINE protects myelin sheaths
L-Carnitine is an amino acid that is involved in energy production and neurological function. One particular form, "Acetyl L-Carnitine" seems to be better absorbed and utilized by the brain and nerves. It is also usually more expensive.
Acetyl L-Carnitine may benefit patients in several way:
Acetyl L-Carnitine can function as an antioxidant to protect myelin and nerve cells from free-radical damage. Taking it with Coenzyme-10 may improve this activity
These three benefits of Acetyl L-Carnitine may be interrelated.
Improved blood flow to the brain can help the neurons use the available nutrients for efficiently and eliminate waste products more completely. This could help protect and regrow myelin. It also would improve the ability of the neuron to conduct impulses. Even when myelin has been lost, nerves are still capable of conducting impulses. However, this process is much slower and less accurate that when the nerve is protected by myelin.
Acetyl L-Carnitine is similar is structure to Acetylcholine, one of the important chemicals used by the brain and nerves to transmit impulses (neurotransmitters). Acetylcholine is involved in memory and learning. It has also been reported that Acetyl L-Carnitine can increase the activity of Dopamine, another brain neurotransmitter.
Because of the increase in brain activity it can cause, Acetyl L-Carnitine may cause sleep problems if taken too late in the evening. Some authors recommend avoiding it if you have any seizure disorder.
Dosages range from 500 mg per day up to 3000 mg (3 grams) daily.
Mercury poisoning The Health Status of Dentists Exposed to Mercury from Silver Amalgam Tooth Restorations The public has been concerned for a number of years about their silver amalgam tooth fillings from the standpoint that these fillings contain 50% mercury (Enwonwu, 1987; Pleva, 1994) [1-2]. It is well established that low levels of mercury are continuously released from silver amalgam fillings.
Mercury detox:
A VERY simple detox according to Dr.Robert Jay Rowen MD could be:
Alpha lLpoic acid 300 mg BID,
Sodium Selenite 200 mcg per day,
Vitamin C 1 gm TID,
NAC 500 mg TID.
Trace minerals and chlorella, 15 tablets at night.
Low levels of healthy gut bacteria could be the cause of mental health issues such as 'anxiety and schizophrenia'
Read more here.
Nutrition’s Growing Role in Fighting Inflammation
Scientific understanding of how to address inflammation through dietary strategies may help to control many chronic diseases
Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I: Compartmentalization Within the Somatotropic Axis?
Irritable Bowel syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel disease and herbal treatment by endobiogenic herbalist Paul Michael
The main difference between IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) is that the former is a functional disorder with no structural changes, and the latter a functional and structural disorder with pathological changes occurring. People suffering from these diseases can be greatly affected, both psychologically and physiologically, resulting in a constant struggle for a better quality of life. Even though we can consider IBS to be less severe than IBD, the effects can still be disabling. However, patients suffering from IBD do not only have to cope with the disastrous effects of the disease, but also have to deal with the side-effects of the potent drug treatments used.
Inflammation: The top anti-inflammatory foods, herbs and spices that prevent inflammation
Mediterranean Diet
Research by Sheffield Hallam University and the University of Lincoln in the U.K. revealed that the diet and exercise combination leads to improved blood flow in cells in the inner lining of the blood vessels—called the endothelial cells—a full 12 months after completing participation in the intervention program. - See more at: http://www.nutraceuticalsworld.com/contents/view_breaking-news/2014-11-10/mediterranean-diets-may-offer-lasting-health-benefits/#sthash.NzmTy8Z9.dpuf
Memory is a 'team effort' by several regions of the brain. Researchers say a study uncovered an important brain circuit.
Remembering where we left our keys requires at least three different regions of the brain to work together, a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience says. The hippocampus, perithinal cortex and medial prefrontal cortex all have specific roles in memory processing.
This is your Brain on Mindfulness Meditators say their practice fundamentally changes the way they experience life. Michael Baime reports on how modern neuroscience is explaining this in biological terms.
Multiple Sclerosis & Dementia : ACETYL L-CARNITINE protects myelin sheaths
L-Carnitine is an amino acid that is involved in energy production and neurological function. One particular form, "Acetyl L-Carnitine" seems to be better absorbed and utilized by the brain and nerves. It is also usually more expensive.
Acetyl L-Carnitine may benefit patients in several way:
- Antioxidant and free-radical scavenger
- Improved blood supply to neurons
- Improved memory and learning
- Increased activity of neurotransmitters
Acetyl L-Carnitine can function as an antioxidant to protect myelin and nerve cells from free-radical damage. Taking it with Coenzyme-10 may improve this activity
These three benefits of Acetyl L-Carnitine may be interrelated.
Improved blood flow to the brain can help the neurons use the available nutrients for efficiently and eliminate waste products more completely. This could help protect and regrow myelin. It also would improve the ability of the neuron to conduct impulses. Even when myelin has been lost, nerves are still capable of conducting impulses. However, this process is much slower and less accurate that when the nerve is protected by myelin.
Acetyl L-Carnitine is similar is structure to Acetylcholine, one of the important chemicals used by the brain and nerves to transmit impulses (neurotransmitters). Acetylcholine is involved in memory and learning. It has also been reported that Acetyl L-Carnitine can increase the activity of Dopamine, another brain neurotransmitter.
Because of the increase in brain activity it can cause, Acetyl L-Carnitine may cause sleep problems if taken too late in the evening. Some authors recommend avoiding it if you have any seizure disorder.
Dosages range from 500 mg per day up to 3000 mg (3 grams) daily.
Mercury poisoning The Health Status of Dentists Exposed to Mercury from Silver Amalgam Tooth Restorations The public has been concerned for a number of years about their silver amalgam tooth fillings from the standpoint that these fillings contain 50% mercury (Enwonwu, 1987; Pleva, 1994) [1-2]. It is well established that low levels of mercury are continuously released from silver amalgam fillings.
Mercury detox:
A VERY simple detox according to Dr.Robert Jay Rowen MD could be:
Alpha lLpoic acid 300 mg BID,
Sodium Selenite 200 mcg per day,
Vitamin C 1 gm TID,
NAC 500 mg TID.
Trace minerals and chlorella, 15 tablets at night.
Low levels of healthy gut bacteria could be the cause of mental health issues such as 'anxiety and schizophrenia'
Read more here.
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Neuroimmune Diseases
Chronic Neuroimmune Diseases
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Database of PEMF and rTMS Research:Taken together 1000+ peer reviewed pulsed electromagnetic field therapy PEMF studies provide compelling evidence that frequency-specific, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy or PEMF & rTMS are the most cost effective and efficient options for promoting accelerated natural healing mechanisms.
PEMF - Pulsating Electromagnetic Field Therapy
PEMF therapy can increase the effectiveness of antioxidants existing in the body up to 100 times. In other words, this therapy can accelerate healing and make it easier for antioxidants to attack free radicals – and win.
PEMFs induce electrical charges around and within the cell, activating and regenerating them with increased blood supply and oxygen pressure. As they pass through the cells, PEMFs stimulate the electrical and chemical processes, reinvigorating tissues and organs and gradually transform chaos into coherence.
More information here.
Can aging cells be recharged, leading to new vitality and better overall health?
With an increasingly popular technology called pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs), healthier and younger-acting cells may be possible. PEMF therapy is a non-invasive, non-pharmacological and effective treatment for many conditions. world-wide more than 2,000 double blind, university level medical studies have demonstrated that PEMF therapy is a safe and effective treatment for a variety of medical conditions, as well as to promote and maintain general health and cellular function.
Thousands of people in more than 40 countries have used PEMFs to improve their health or promote healing. In fact, PEMFs have been used for decades to treat a wide range of medical conditions, from broken bones and swollen tissues to depression and more. The results can include:
- Less pain and inflammation, with some acute and chronic pain disappearing completely
- Reduction in the effects of stress on the body
- Improved energy and sleep quality
- Better circulation, blood pressure, and blood and tissue oxygenation
- Improved uptake of nutrients, cellular detoxification and cell regeneration
- Balance for the immune system
- Faster repair of bones and tissue injuries
- Muscle relaxation
In the last few years, the public has become increasingly interested in antioxidants. This is because researchers have learned more about oxidants, also known as free radicals, and how they can be destructive for living tissues.
When the body begins to break down due to ageing, illness or injury, oxidants are the first chemicals to appear. If they are not addressed, antioxidants activate other chemicals, causing a cascade that can create significant damage to the body.
By neutralizing free radicals, the body can enjoy better health over time. PEMFs can increase the effectiveness of antioxidants existing in the body up to 100 times. In other words, this therapy can accelerate healing and make it easier for antioxidants to attack free radicals – and win.
All energy is electromagnetic. This is because all atoms produce electromagnetic fields. Therefore, the cells and chemicals in the body generate electromagnetic fields, and they use electromagnetic frequencies to communicate with one another. These fields are unique, and each organ in the body produces a recognisable, signature bio-electromagnetic field.
When the electromagnetic energy in cells becomes disrupted, cells and tissues become unhealthy. PEMF treatments can address this problem by penetrating the cells, tissues, organs and bones.
PEMFs induce electrical charges around and within the cell, activating and regenerating them with increased blood supply and oxygen pressure. As they pass through the cells, PEMFs stimulate the electrical and chemical processes, reinvigorating tissues and organs and gradually transform chaos into coherence.
Depending upon the area of the body being treated, PEMFs use a variety of settings.
PEMF provides stunning regenerative effects because these magnetic fields result in cells generating so much naturally derived energy that they are able to heal themselves. A magnetic switch turbocharges cellular energy production and reduces oxidative stress.
Scientific research has shown that heart rate variability is a reliable predictor of overall health and longevity. Improving your HRV means a greater ability to handle stress, a lower risk of life-threatening heart disease, and a longer, healthier life. Through iMORE every iMRS system has the built-in ability to evaluate and train your HRV through a biofeedback process.
The iMRS PEMF Magnetic Resonance systems utilise Pulsating Electromagnetic Field Therapy as mentioned by Dr. Oz. Click this link to read the full article on Dr Oz's web site.
Various types of PEMF devices have been accepted by the regulating bodies in many countries.
- Israel has accepted the use of PEMF devices for migraine headaches.
- Canada has accepted PEMF devices for powered muscle stimulators.
- The EU accepted the use of PEMF therapy in many areas including healing and recovery from trauma, degeneration, and the treatment of the pain associated with these conditions.
- In the UK according to NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence), firing an electromagnetic pulse into the brain can stop the pain of migraine for days. It recommends using a transcranial magnetic stimulator which was used in clinical trials and showed it was effective at reducing pain and depression. For more details click here and here.
Recent PEMF News
The Arcadia Clinic in Kassel, Germany is observing massive changes in patients energy levels when they are treated with PEMF. They also report the absorption of nutrient manifold increases, enhanced detoxification, improvement in emotional state as well as feeling recharged.
Tests of patients with extremely bad blood values, severe gut or joint inflammations and high acidity show amazing results. Their most powerful observation is the increased activity, size and movement of the white blood cells.
These photos were taken directly before and after the PEMF treatment.
PEMF Earthpulse
EarthPulse’s unique PEMF parameters provide a unique biological response to PEMF.
Pueraria mirifica (Kwao Krua) - A Popular Thai Traditional Medicinal Plant
Pueraria mirifica is regarded as a “Fountain of youth” because it possesses phytoestrogens that helps supplement estrogen in human body. Although phytoestrogens can also be found in other natural products such as soybeans and bean curt, phytoestrogens in Pueraria mirifica is far greater than that in other products. Apart from Daidzin, Genistin, and Daidzein that are usually found in soybeans, Pueraria mirifica also contains Miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol which has been shown to have 3,000 times the estrogenic activity of soy isoflavones.
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Stem cells
Your body’s renewal system depends on the number of adult stem cells into your bloodstream.
Your own adult stem cells have the power to maintain and repair tissue cells as needed – a vital, life-sustaining process that helps to maintain your health and well-being. However, factors such as daily exposure to environmental toxins, physical and mental stress, poor diet and the aging process may cause a decline in your body’s ability to renew itself, putting your wellness at risk.
Stemtech’s SE2® is the world's first all-natural supplement documented to support the release of adult stem cells from bone marrow.
Stem cells
Your body’s renewal system depends on the number of adult stem cells into your bloodstream.
Your own adult stem cells have the power to maintain and repair tissue cells as needed – a vital, life-sustaining process that helps to maintain your health and well-being. However, factors such as daily exposure to environmental toxins, physical and mental stress, poor diet and the aging process may cause a decline in your body’s ability to renew itself, putting your wellness at risk.
Stemtech’s SE2® is the world's first all-natural supplement documented to support the release of adult stem cells from bone marrow.
Thyroid Function and Hairloss
Thyroid Function and Hairloss
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Vit C
Not only is vitamin C exceptionally safe, it also augments the effectiveness of any antibiotics used with it. It helps to reduce many of the negative and toxic effects of prescription antibiotics, and it is well-documented to support and stimulate a wide variety of immune system functions, including, but certainly not limited to, enhanced antibody production, interferon production, phagocytic/macrophage function, B-lymphocyte and Tlymphocyte proliferation, and natural killer cell activity.
Vit C
Not only is vitamin C exceptionally safe, it also augments the effectiveness of any antibiotics used with it. It helps to reduce many of the negative and toxic effects of prescription antibiotics, and it is well-documented to support and stimulate a wide variety of immune system functions, including, but certainly not limited to, enhanced antibody production, interferon production, phagocytic/macrophage function, B-lymphocyte and Tlymphocyte proliferation, and natural killer cell activity.
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Lose the Wheat, Gain Your Health - Wheat went from 14 chromosomes to 42 chromosomes, thanks to genetic combining of three unique plants. Unfortunately, this combination, while definitely resulting in greater yields, has also resulted in more and more health issues for those of us who consume it.
Lose the Wheat, Gain Your Health - Wheat went from 14 chromosomes to 42 chromosomes, thanks to genetic combining of three unique plants. Unfortunately, this combination, while definitely resulting in greater yields, has also resulted in more and more health issues for those of us who consume it.